Also check out and LIKE my Facebook Artist Page , which I use as a regular blog to record what's happening, what I'm thinking, the things I've seen and what I'm up to in my art. :-) Also, check out the Events section on it, which lists all the public workshops/events I run across the country! If you are interested in any bespoke workshop bookings or buying any of my artworks, then just get in touch...Thanks!
***Available for online/remote and in-person working.***
See my Facebook artist page for news and updates.
Stay safe and well everyone! For more info, contact me on: 07970 785 030 /
Postage options available. : 07970 785 030 /
(NEWS): ...Delighted to be teaching some more Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow, this January 2022. Got "Get Fit with Kung Fu" and "Get Drawing!" (Tigers) on the agenda! See my FB artist page for more details! Hope to e-see you all there! :)
"I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year! :-) Thank you to everyone for all your continuing support! I look forward to more creative antics in 2022!"
(NEWS): ... ...Fab news! Delighted to be teaching more Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. See my FB artist page for more details! Hope to e-see you all there! :)
(NEWS): ...Excited to take part in the 20:20 Print Exchange this year! One print out of every edition of 25 submitted made goes on tour to various workshops and galleries. I submitted a woodcut print, My Gift to You (2021). More info coming soon!
(NEWS): ... ...Looking forward to delivering an 10-week course in arts and crafts, "Awesome Artists North East", for adults this autumn for Cultural Spring where participants will get the chance to take inspiration from famous artists past and present - all whom have a connection to the North East! :-)
(NEWS): ...Delighted to be working with The Forge on their "Working in the Arts" programme for young adults aspiring to be working in the creative sector. I have been commissioned to deliver bespoke workshops on: "Developing Online Workshops", "Get Inspired!" and "Care for Creativity!"
(NEWS): ... My woodcut and mokuhanga print, "Something Marvellous!" (2021) was chosen to feature in NARC magazine: Issue #175 (online and hardcopy) Page 10. Magazine devoted to the home of alternative music and culture in the North East. (August-September 2021). It is also being featured in a group exhibition, "Love Nature More", at Northern Print gallery, Newcastle. (14th July 2021-11th September 2021)
(NEWS): Delighted to be invited to teach weekly 1hr Zoom live online classes: Exercise with Pui Lee (Pilates Yoga Fusion)! With ladies over 60yrs+ from Bensham Feelgood Ladies Group. For Gem Arts, Gateshead. (From July 2021-October 2021)
(NEWS): Commissioned to plan and create video, "Eggbox Crafty Creatures", as part of Summer Reading Challenge for Durham County Council. It will be uploaded onto their social media channels for families to access this August 2021.
(NEWS): Commissioned to design and create course content with session plans and resources for 12 week course, "The Mindful Eye: An Exploration into Visual Arts", to form part of the arts programme offer by Unforgettable Experiences, Darlington. Will also be mentoring their new Creative Facilitator in the delivery of this.
(NEWS): So happy that my proposal of 10x artist-led workshops has been selected for HYEM arts project exploring diverse narratives of hope, kindness and home. Working with ladies mostly 50yrs+ of Asian origin, most whom English is not their first language. My workshops will include: woodcut and mokuhanga printmaking, hand-made bookmaking (concertina and stab-bind stitch books), origami houses, creative-writing/poetry, rock painting and an exchange of paper-folded boxes of kindness, as well as time for sharing ideas and life stories in group discussions. A pre-recorded video plus digital instructional sheets about "Origami House-Making (2D & 3D)" will also be made for this project for putting online. Commissioned by Gem Arts, Gateshead. (From July - September 2021)
(NEWS): ... ...Looking forward to delivering an 8-week course in arts and crafts for Durham Carers as part of Jack Drum Arts online arts programme this Spring! :-)
(NEWS): So happy that my proposal of 10x artist-led workshops has been selected for HYEM arts project exploring diverse narratives of hope, kindness and home. Working with ladies mostly 50yrs+ of Asian origin, most whom English is not their first language. My workshops will include: woodcut and mokuhanga printmaking, hand-made bookmaking (concertina and stab-bind stitch books), origami houses, creative-writing/poetry, rock painting and an exchange of paper-folded boxes of kindness, as well as time for sharing ideas and life stories in group discussions. A pre-recorded video plus digital instructional sheets about "Origami House-Making (2D & 3D)" will also be made for this project for putting online. Commissioned by Gem Arts, Gateshead.
(NEWS): ... ...Looking forward to delivering an 10-week course in arts and crafts, "Awesome Artists", for adults this summer for Cultural Spring where participants will get the chance to take inspiration from famous artists past and present! :-)
(NEWS): ... ...Looking forward to delivering an 8-week course in arts and crafts for Darlington Carers as part of Jack Drum Arts online arts programme this Spring! :-)
(GREETINGS): ... ...I wish you all good health and happiness! Here's to new beginnings and brighter times; and to all the memories that we hold and remain thankful for. Let's write a beuatiful new chapter with a happy heart and an enduring super big smile! :-) 2021, we come!
(NEWS): ...How exciting! The result of my artist residency project at China Exchange this year: My woodcut design, "Heart of London Chinatown" (2020) is being sold as a digital print artwork and also being featured on a range of exclusive homeware products such as cushion covers and bone china tea mugs. :-) My hand-carved woodblock print design was inspired by the migration journeys, arrivals and celebrations of the people who shape and are shaped by London's Chinatown - stories which many Chinese families here in the UK and across the world have in common. All profits from these souvenir products will fund future heritage and community projects in Chinatown. The products are availabel for pre-order via the Made in Chinatown online shop at:
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering a series of pre-recorded creative festive workshops as part of the #DecemberTogether programme by Newcastle City Council and Active Newcastle!! :-)
(NEWS): ...Delighted to have got selected to be one of the Christmas Craft Artists for Theatre Hullabaloo this year as part of their "Something to..." programme, where I had lots of fun making a pre-recorded workshop video showing families how to make "Something to...Play!" ! :-)
Check out:
(NEWS): Excited to launch my Make a Difference Art Project. Working with students from Heworth Grange Academy and residents from Springfield House Care Home, Gateshead. Funded by Gateshead Council.
(NEWS): ... ...Fab news! Delighted to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. Hope to see you all there! :) :
Get Drawing! with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: fireworks] On Wednesday 28th October 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Get Drawing! with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: birds] On Wednesday 18th November 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Get Drawing! with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: presents] On Wednesday 9th December 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Kung Fu for Beginners: Combos [Part 1] with Pui Lee On Sunday 1st November 2020. 10:00am-11:00am
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Kung Fu for Beginners: Combos [Part 2] with Pui Lee On Sunday 8th November 2020. 10:00am-11:00am
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
The "I can do it" Circuits Workout with Pui Lee [Part 1] On Sunday 6th December 2020. 10:00am-11:00am
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
The "I can do it" Circuits Workout with Pui Lee [Part 1] On Sunday 12th December 2020. 10:00am-11:00am
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
The workshops will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(09/10/2020): ...Enjoyed teaching a papercraft workshop for members of International Welcome Club, Glasgow, in one of the first of their online weekly meet-ups! Thank you very much for having me! I also e-presented a bespoke 3D origami birthday cake to one of its members! :-)
(NEWS): ...Wonderful news! Delighted to have been selected to teach in online art workshops this autumn/winter season for Unforgettable Experiences, who provide just that, for people who have dementia and/or neurological conditions! :-)
(NEWS): ...Fab news! Delighted to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. Hope to see you all there! :) :
Get Drawing! with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: fish] On Friday 18th September 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Get Drawing! with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: flowers] On Friday 9th October 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
The workshops will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
"Working with Pui on the 10x10 Creative Gateshead Project has been an absolute pleasure!
Working remotely due to covid meant we met over Zoom which would never be by preferred way to work, especially for a creative project but Pui demonstrated pretty quickly, a wonderful and deep understanding of our client group and of the importance of good mental health for our overall wellbeing. She has great empathy and somehow managed to go away and produce something that would work so fabulously for our clients.
She didn’t need any advice or direction from me about making the piece user friendly, pitching the language perfectly. Her understanding of poor mental health was incorporated so superbly into the work.
A superb job and a wonderfully infectious, creative passion. Suitably impressed and eager to work with Pui again in the future!"
- Lisa MacDonald (Wellbeing & Resilience Manager at Tyneside & Northumberland Mind)
(NEWS): ...Check out this link to my online workshop video: Papercraft with Artist Pui Lee: Flowers-in-a-Vase! for Gateshead Council's Art Gems programme. :-)
(NEWS): ...So, after finally finishing my woodcut design for my London artist residency project, I am delighted to be working on the next stage where I will be creating colour versions of it. In the meantime, I am happy to be featured in a video for worldwide showcase as part of Create Day on 10th October 2020. This is a new global initiative from the team behind London Craft Week, celebrating the talented makers, their creative processes and their work. The core programme will be presented digitally over 24 hrs beginning in Asia before moving onto UK and Europe and finally North America.
(NEWS): ...Fab news! Delighted to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Summer Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. Hope to see you all there! :) :
Art Therapy: Get Drawing with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: flowers] On Monday 10th August 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Stretch-a-cise with Pui Lee On Sunday 16th August 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Art Therapy: Get Drawing with Artist Pui Lee [Theme: leaf] On Friday 28th August 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Mat Pilates with Pui Lee On Sunday 6th September 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
The workshops will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(EXCITING NEWS ALERT): ... "10x10 Creative Gateshead" project!
(14/08/2020): ...The day has finally come! How exciting!
10 x 10 Creative Gateshead booklets are available to download now! There are two booklets, each with 10 creative activities by 10 Gateshead artists (-I'm one of them!) made in collaboration with 10 Gateshead community and creative organisations; one booklet for young people and families and one for adults and there is a mixture of indoor and outdoor creative activities.
You can share your creativity with Dingy Butterflies using #Gateshead10x10
Follow the link to download the booklets and to find out more about the project:
Hundreds of activity booklets are also being printed & distributed across the Gateshead community through the Best of Bensham Collaborative network. These physical packs are targeted at people who have limited or no access to the internet. #Gateshead10x10
(July 2020): ...Had a lovely time teaching children from Abhinaya Dance Academy, Glasgow, in my live online craft workshop classes as part of their Virtual Summer Holiday Club! Thanks for having me! :-)
(NEWS): (13/07/2020) I'm really pleased to be the first artist in Dingy Butterflies' first #meetthemaker feature where they will be introducing the Gateshead artists they are working with on the 10×10 Creative Gateshead project. I've copied the interview for here in case you haven't seen it :) :
So our first artist is Pui Lee who is working with Tyneside and Northumberland Mind
Q1. Hi Pui, can you tell us about your practice?
Hello! My name is Pui Lee and I am an artist and arts educator based in Bensham, Gateshead but I work all throughout the UK. As part of my practice, I design and deliver creative workshops for participants of all ages - this might be in galleries, museums, schools, care homes as well as at festivals and events etc. I am trained in a lot of artistic disciplines but basically, I love drawing a lot and I love to make things too!
I enjoy working on different briefs so my projects have certainly been varied over the years - including things like: wall art, printmaking, cardboard sculptures, paper-folded installations, banner making, costume/parade art, an 86m surprise carpet hopscotch, a 26ft dragon for Chinese New Year, an 11ft Diwali effigy and even a theatre set designed for a UK touring play! I absolutely love what I do as the arts is such a big passion of mine and I am happy that I can hopefully inspire others with what I do too. - I definitely want to make a positive difference in life!
Q.2. Well done on getting one of the 10 x 10 Creative Gateshead project commissions; why did you apply?
I applied because when I read about the project opportunity, I thought it sounded absolutely fantastic! I am all for people-power and my working ethos as an artist is to empower others through creativity so the aims of this commission really tied in with that. I am sure that this will really make a positive difference to those who might be struggling within Gateshead’s local community.
Q.3. I know you’re still busy working on it but can you give us a flavour of your activities?
The activities will be developed with the Best of Bensham Collaborative and Dingy Butterflies so might evolve a bit, but basically, I proposed the fusion of breathing, stretching and movement exercises with multi-arts creative activities to support overall wellbeing and to provide a mindful and enjoyable experience for those participating.
Q.4. In your spare time, what types of creative activity do you like to do in your own time?
I like to do a lot of drawing, as I think it’s important to practise my skills but I also find it very relaxing too! There’s nothing like seeing your drawing come to life on the paper as you’re working on it!
I also like taking photographs too and recording my experiences of the world around me because I think it is important to find inspiration everywhere.
I’m also a keen martial artist – if that counts? I help teach it on a voluntary basis too so I love being creative with teaching methods and different exercises to help the students improve their practice. I’m definitely all for healthy mind, body and soul in life!
Q.5. What is your favourite thing about Gateshead?
Its people! I have made good friends here over the years and it is such a friendly place! I also love Saltwell Park –it’s beautiful and a great place to hang out in whilst enjoying being in a green space with nature all around you!
Q6. Where can we connect with you?
My Website: & Facebook: @puileeartist
Thank you Pui! And we will be introducing Tyneside & Northumberland Mind on Thursday – this is the Best of Bensham Collaborative member that Pui is working with to develop her activities.
(EXCITING NEWS ALERT): ...Am sooo excited to have my proposal selected for the "10x10 Creative Gateshead" project! I feel delighted to have been matched up with Tyneside & Northumberland Mind for this as I'm definitely all for promoting positive mind and wellbeing!
10x10 Creative Gateshead will see the creation of two creative booklets that will support the well-being of Gateshead community members effected during this challenging time and have little access to digital technology. One of the booklets will be for young people and their families and the other for adults who are socially isolating for the foreseeable future and require extra support.
The 2 booklets will be full of creative activities with a Gateshead connection devised by 10 Gateshead based artists -(I'm one of them! Whoo hoo!). These are to encourage people to try new things, discover new art forms, learn new creative skills and maybe even pick up a hobby or two!
10x10 Creative Gateshead has been made possible by funding from Arts Council England and the Best of Bensham Collaborative.
See link to find out more about the project:
(NEWS): ...Fab news! Delighted to have my proposal selected for an artist commission project: Holiday@Home! as part of Newcastle City Council and Community Family Hub Central's "Best Summer Ever!" programme! This work involved the creation of 4 online workshop videos and activity packs inspired by the art of 4 different countries around the world: Japan, Mexico, India and Ghana! I even got the opportunity to design the logo for the brand itself of "Holiday@Home!", which was very well received! :-)
(July 2020): ...As you all know, I totally believe in promoting healthy mind, body and soul! So I'm happy to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Lockdown Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow.:
Introduction to Kung Fu (Choy Lee Fut) with Pui Lee On 5th July 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Art Therapy: Get Drawing with Artist Pui Lee with Pui Lee On 8th July 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Stretch-a-cise with Pui Lee On 12th July 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
Kickbox-a-cise with Pui Lee On 19th July 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
Art Therapy: Get Drawing with Artist Pui Lee On 22nd July 2020. 3:00pm-4:00pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
Mat Pilates with Pui Lee On 26th July 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
The workshops will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(NEWS:): ...Check out this link to my online workshop video: Kusadama Flower Decoration Making with Artist Pui Lee! for Gateshead Council's Art Gems programme. :-)
(NEWS): ...WOW! My drawing, "Wolf Spirit (2020), was selected from over 300 entries to be part of the Long List Online Exhibition as part of Doncaster Art Fair's exhibition: "Art as a response to Mental Health". This is from 12th June 2020 - 30th June 2020 and all artworks will be open to voting by the general public to progress onto the Shortlist Stage! This is my artwork below so if you like what you see, please vote for me via this weblink: (simply click on the heart to put your vote in!) Thank you in advance!
Title: Wolf Spirit (2020)
Media: pencil and biro drawing on paper
Artist Statement: Mental health is relevant to us all. It includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act so it is a vital part of our life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is so important at every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence through to adulthood.
On the theme of “Art as a response to Mental Health”, I decided to create this artwork inspired by some of the conversations and stories told to me by the teachers and mentors I know, which I have interpreted and reimagined into this drawing.
The story of “The Two Wolves Within” tells of the battle between the two 'wolves' inside all of us. One representing the darkness, and one representing the light in us – similar to what the Yin and Yang symbol represents – two halves which make the complete whole. It is this story that teaches us that our destiny is in our control because it is up to you to feed your mind everything it needs in order to achieve success, peace and contentment in life. We are the master of everything and therefore, can decide and determine our own destiny. …Feed the one you want to win.
My drawing, “Wolf Spirit” (2020), shows a white wolf making its long journey. The wolf stops to pause, breathe, looking at its reflection in the waters, remembering: “Face the light, go forward and the shadows will fall behind you. -The sun always rises again”. This is the story of the wolf who never lost itself in all the fears and uncertainty… There is always hope.
(NEWS): ...I'm really pleased to take part in the 'SFS: Introducing' exhibition opportunity by Explorers of Extinction and have posted in my drawing: "Snow Leopard: Endurance" (2020), pencil and biro on paper. I will await to hear outcome but all submissions will be available for purchase to support their campaign to raise awareness about threats facing wildlife and wild spaces whilst also helping to raise funds for conservation! :-)
(JUNE 2020): ...As you all know, I totally believe in promoting healthy mind, body and soul! So I'm happy to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshops as part of the Lockdown Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow.:
Fitness Fun with Pui Lee On 7th June 2020. 10:00am-11:00am. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Introduction to Kung Fu (Choy Lee Fut) with Pui Lee On 14th June 2020. 10:00am-11:00am. Click on this eventbrite link to register your place:
Art Therapy: Get Drawing with Artist Pui Lee On 17th June 2020. 2:30pm-3:30pm
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
Mat Pilates with Pui Lee On 21st June 2020. 10:00am-11:00am.
Click on this eventbrite link to register your place.
The workshops will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(NEWS): (14/05/2020): ......Feeling all hyped up and happy after teaching in my first ever live Zoom workshop this afternoon! Thanks to everyone to came along and took part in some paper-folding craft with me! It was certainly a different experience compared to face-to-face interaction but I definitely feel that it's important to make the best of any situation in life. Stay safe and well everyone! ..& Stay tuned for exciting news and updates from me in the future.
(NEWS): As you all know, I totally believe in promoting healthy mind, body and soul! So I'm happy to be teaching the following Zoom online live community workshop: Family Fitness Fun with Pui Lee as part of the Lockdown Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. On 18th May 2020. 2:15pm-3:15pm.
Stay healthy during lockdown and take part in this fun (-and FREE!) Family Fitness Fun Class with Pui Lee. The workshop will involve a mixture of cardio, strength and flexibility exercises designed to work out and improve your body! I will also show you how to use everyday props around the house to enhance your exercise options and make things extra fun! -No gym membership required! Different options will be offered for all levels of fitness so all are welcome.
What participants need to prepare:
~space to move around in, either indoors or outdoors.
~loose, comfortable workout-wear.
~access to an elevated surface e.g. chair/bench/couch
~towel or scarf
~2 x lighter weighted objects per person: e.g. filled water bottle, tins of food, etc
~2 x heavier weighted objects per person: e.g. filled water bottle, tins of food, etc
exercise mat [optional]
~motivational music [optional]
~Participants will need water for any breaks.
Suitable for: Adults /Children/ Family
Pui Lee is a British-born Hakka Chinese artist working throughout the UK but she is also a dedicated martial artist and is a qualified Personal Trainer, Gym Instructor, Advanced Fitness Instructor, Mat Pilates Instructor, Nutrition & Weight Management Advisor etc.
***How to join the workshop:***
Click on the eventbrite link below to register your place:
The workshop will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(NEWS): I'm happy to be teaching the following Zoom online live crafting workshop: Origami Fun with Artist Pui Lee as part of the Lockdown Community Engagement Project by Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre, Glasgow. On 14th May 2020. 2:15pm-3:15pm.
In this fun FREE step-by-step workshop, you will learn how to make two models using origami techniques. Firstly, you will be shown how to make a paper folded Box Container to store goodies like loose coins, hairgrips, sweeties or paperclips. Afterwards, you will then make your very own paper folded Heart Envelope! Once made, you can put a secret message into it and present to a loved one!
What participants need to prepare:
~A clear and well-lit workspace which has a firm and steady surface.
~2 x A4 paper, scissors, 1 x A5 paper, colouring pens/pencils
~[optional: glue/old newspaper/old magazines]
Suitable for: Adults AND/OR families with older children
***How to join the workshop:***
Click on the eventbrite link to register your place.
The workshop will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive a zoom workshop link and password to join the workshop after registration. Please join the workshop on time.
(NEWS): (01/04/2020): ...Very proud of the group! Another feature in the LifewithArt newsletter too! Check it out!…/dreamcatcher-psp-paint-up-a…/
(NEWS): (30/03/2020): ...Feeling very thankful that I am still able to complete my artist residency project for China Exchange, London, which I was so, so excited about this year! So, the journey and research continues albeit with some changes here and there due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic advice, so that the work can still be done remotely but with input from volunteers too. I look forward to the next stage of the project, which will involve me creating new designs for unique souvenirs inspired by the heritage and character of London’s Chinatown.
(NEWS): (20/03/2020): ...Well, I've been doing more drawings lately and will continue to do so. It's always important to keep on practising and developing your skills. One thing I love about drawing is that it's very therapeutic and great for exercising the mind too! Stay empowered through creativity. :)
Check them out on my website gallery: or Facebook artist page:
(17 MARCH 2020): ...UPDATE: Unfortunately, all of my booked in workshops and projects have now been postponed/cancelled due to the COVID-19 government guidelines resulting in the UK lockdown. These are uncertain times for us all... Stay positive, safe and well everyone.
(NEWS): ...Got some exciting projects, workshops and exhibitions lined up... -watch-this-space! XD
(NEWS): (February 2020): Wow...What a way to start off 2020! Been very busy with the Chinese New Year festivities recently, where it's been dragons and firecrackers galore! :-) But in the midst of all of this, I have been busy prepping for upcoming arts projects this season... more details to come in due course!
...I do have fab news though! I am so, SO very happy to have been selected for an artist-in-residence project at China Exchange on Gerrard Street, London. (China Exchange creates inclusive and unexpected ways for people living in the UK to understand China, Chinese culture and London’s Chinatown. They aim to build connection and engagement between the UK public and China through accessible projects and activities that value heritage and community and explore contemporary China.) I am really looking forward to learning more about London Chinatown and what it has to offer. -I am sure that there will be lots to be inspired by!
Having worked with a number of Chinese communities around the UK previously, this project is of great interest to me because of my own Chinese heritage and I believe it's always important to have a curiosity about culture, whether it's your own or of others' too. :-)
(NEWS): (November 2019): ...Had the most inspiring time at the famous Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire, undertaking the week long Props Making Essentials Masterclass with the world renown Props-Master Harry Franchetti! Learnt so much from him! ...Thank you Harry! :)
(NEWS): (October 2019): ...Hooray! Great news in that I have successfully completed the: SketchUp Basic to Advanced Level Course at Real Animation Works Ltd, London. Pleased to have passed the practice-based test and been rated as "Excellent". I think it's also important to keep learning new things and to develop your own skills further! In my case, this was learning something totally new in the way of CAD training! :)
(NEWS): (September 2019): ...Looking forward to working with local community groups: Dreamcatcher PSP, HYPE Youth Group, Cornerhouse Youth Project, Longlands Care Home and DSNE at the Stockton and Middlesborough LifewithArt charity arts centres again this term! If there are any other community groups out there who are interested in the FREE art workshop opportunities by LifewithArt, please do get in touch with me as I am Art Co Ordinator for the North East as well as the lead tutor.
(NEWS): (May 2019): ...Can't wait to work with local community groups: Dreamcatcher PSP, HYPE Youth Group and Calmer Therapy Kinship Care Families Support Group at the Stockton LifewithArt charity arts centre again this summer! If there are any other community groups out there who are interested in the FREE art workshop opportunities by LifewithArt, please do get in touch with me as I am Art Co Ordinator for the North East as well as the lead tutor. UPDATE: LifewithArt now has a venue in Middlesbrough as well so I will be seeking interested groups to take part in the art workshop programme! :)
(NEWS): (April 2019): ...Wow! What a whirlwind of a few months but the From Shore to Shore theatre commission project has now finished! For this project, I worked as Set Designer, Props & Costume as well as Photographer for some associated events and performances. It's been intense but a rollercoaster of an insight into the theatre industry. Positively, I have come out of this project with an expanded creative portfolio, including great reviews and even a name mention in The British Theatre Guide! Woop Woop! :)
Rating of 4~STAR by The Guardian newspaper: "rich, dreamlike play feeds body and soul"; "the impressionistic quality of a dream"
Rating of 3~STAR by The Stage newspaper: "clever visual touches"
British Theatre Guide: "Pui Lee’s design: economic but effective, as befits a travelling show that appears everywhere"
(NEWS): (Feb 2019): ...Absolutely delighted to add another arts and cultural venue to my portfolio! I will be delivering some drop in Blockprinting workshops as part of the February Half Term events at Blackwell, The Arts & Crafts House, in Windermere! See me there on Tuesday and Sunday: 10:30am~2:30pm!
(NEWS): (Jan 2019): ...Will be exhibiting in the group exhibition, "Rattlebag" at Northern Print Gallery, Newcastle. The show runs from 06 Feb 2019 to 16 Mar 2019. The show features as assortment of prints from the 20:20 print exchange by Northern Print studio artists and from further afield.
(NEWS): (Jan 2019): ...Will be exhibiting a new woodblock print at the "21 Years of an Angel!" group exhibition at The Gallery at Gateshead Central Library in Gateshead. Update: My artwork SOLD! Hooray! The show runs from 31 Jan 2019 to 30 Mar 2019.
(NEWS): (Jan 2019): ...Whoo hoo! Soo happy to be chosen to deliver some community arts engagement workshops as part of the big Alternative Futures project in Gateshead and Newcastle! Watch~this~space! :)
(AMAZING NEWS!!!): (11/10/2018): ...So, it's official!!! I found out today that I was one of the 111 out of 965 people selected to receive a DYCP grant from Arts Council England in order to develop my creative practice! I will be using this amazing opportunity to grow my professional practice by undertaking lots of research and thus, extending my artistic practice further into theatre design! Lots of exciting experiences and discoveries lay ahead! ...Can't wait!
...P.S. I will also post relevant updates onto a new page on my artist website: and also my FB artist page too.
...Thank you very much indeed!
(NEWS): ...So, this is still in the early beginnings of things but yes, my artist career is officially expanding into the realms of theatre! This is an exciting new direction for me and I am delighted to announce that I have been hired by On the Wire as the new set designer for the UK touring play, "From Shore to Shore", which explores stories from elder Chinese generations so the themes and ideas have special meaning to me too. This will be my first time working on such a project but I am looking forward to it all! My next big creative challenge! The play will be on tour from March 2019 to April 2019...Watch-this-space! :-)
p.s. Worry not, I am still continuing to work as a freelance artist and arts educator... and everything else that I do! That's continuing as normal! lol! Please LIKE my FB artist page if you haven't already! :-)
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering some crafty activities as part of the Festival of Manchester on 1st September 2018 at Platt Fields Park, representing People's History Museum! The programme looks very packed full of exciting things to see and do! -Definitely worth a visit! It runs from 12pm to 6pm.
(NEWS): ...Yay! LifewithArt is back again in Stockton for their next occupation at Dunedin House on 30th August 2018! I look forward to planning and delivering painting and printmaking art workshops for the groups we will be working with. Always fantastic to see the progress of the learners and to tutor them alongside my artist buddy Allan!
(NEWS): ...Excited to be delivering a family-friendly drop-in art workshop, "Photobox Props!", at People's History Museum, Manchester, to coincide with their Represent! exhibition on 29th August 2018! 1:00pm-3:00pm. Come along and join in the fun!
(NEWS): ...Excited to be delivering a family-friendly drop-in art workshop at CFCCA, Manchester, to coincide with their Aquatopia exhibition on 25th August 2018! 11:30am-4:30pm. Inspired by Manchester's canal systems, I will show you have to make your very own paper-folded canal boat to add to our installation, which will be on display in the gallery for all to see!
(10/07/2018): ...A proud moment for me when I handed in a series of hand-made woodblock prints into the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art, Manchester, because my work will be officially for sale there at the CFCCA Shop!!!!!!!!!! I have spent the past few weeks working hard to create multiple versions of my prints for this exciting new development in my career! :-) I will announce again when the display officially goes up! All prints are hand-made by me and come signed, mounted and wrapped.
**In the meantime, I am also carving some new designs as we speak!
(NEWS): ...Excited to be delivering a family-friendly drop-in workshop, as part of TINArt's IncludFEST 2018 at Wharton Park, Durham. 1:30pm-4:30pm on Saturday 28th July 2018.
***'Pictures of Plenty 'Photobooth: The LIKES of you!***
Hey hey hey, it's been a long time, y'all, the 'Picture of Plenty' Photobooth is feelin' lonesome and blue without all you. So ready or not, drop in and let's create your own country/bluegrass themed photo. Artist Pui Lee will show you how to make your own handmade props and disguises or use any from the prop stash, for this fun photo opportunity.
Remember, just a snap shot will do. Let's live for the day. Just as you are. Don't be a face in the crowd. Be the talk o' the town! Tis sweet to be remembered...
Free entry. All materials provided. All welcome.
(NEWS): ...Excited to be delivering a family-friendly drop-in art and craft workshop at Warrington city centre as part of RivFEST 2018! 1pm-6pm. On Saturday 14th July 2018. I will also have an Art Sale stall there too!
(NEWS): ...Excited to be showing prints and doing demo of manual printing press at Summer Open Studios Event at Education Room, Northern Print, Newcastle. As part of Great Exhibition of the North 2018. 11am-2pm. On Sunday 1st July 2018.
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering my family-friendly "Pic 'n' Mix Photography: Portraits" workshops at Yorkshire Sculpture Park this June half-term on Saturday 2nd June 2018! It has been so much fun designing this workshop! If interested, please call YSP to book. There will be a morning and an afternoon session. 11am-1pm and 2pm-4pm. First come, first served!
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to a fab 12 mile ramble as part of the Festival of Walks on 1st June 2018! I'm all for healthy living and wellbeing! :-)
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering the ARTcart at Yorkshire Sculpture Park on 30th May 2018! My first time delivering this event! 11am-4pm! Find me within the park to have a chat and take part in the exciting creative activities I have planned, inspired by the Arts Council exhibition: In My Shoes - Art and the Self since the 1990s!
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to designing and delivering the next series of art workshops at LifewithArt (Stockton)! I am sure the lovely service users from Dreamcatcher PSP and Action on Impulse will be back again for more creative fun! If your community group sare interested in taking part in these workshops, just get in touch!
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering a series of schools workshops in Chinese Crafts at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Carlisle! I have enjoyed working on this project because it has allowed me to creatively reinterpret both ancient and modern Chinese lanterns to come up with my own designs and methodologies of making them. :-) Schools who I will be working with include Inglewood Primary School, St. Catherine's Primary School, Wiggonby Primary School and Great Orton Primary School.
(01/03/2018): ...Thank you to everyone who made the effort to come to the "Printer's Pie" group exhibition I was part of at Northern Print Gallery, Newcastle. I had two of my woodcut prints on show for this and was really pleased to have sold an artwork - one of the first to sell apparently and lots of great feedback! -Hopefully more sales in the future when I come up with more designs! If you are interested in buying any of my artwork, get in touch direct at 07970 785 030 and/or
(NEWS): ...Really happy to be invited to be part of the upcoming Free Thinking Festival this year at the Sage, Gateshead! I will have my own artist demo stall on Saturday 10th March 2018: 10am-3pm and Sunday 11th March 2018: 1pm-3pm. ...So, do come along and say hi! See some samples of my own work, live demos and also take part in some creative activities too! :-)
(NEWS): ...Really delighted to be taking part in another group exhibition called, "Printer"s Pie" at Northern Print Gallery, Newcastle! I will be showcasing a new woodcut and chine colle print too! Go and see it! The show runs from Thurs 1st Feb - Sat 10th March 2018.
(NEWS): ...(21/12/2017): ...Really pleased to be taking part in the 20:20 Print Exchange this year! I designed and created this hand-made woodcut print called "Two Fish". One print out of every edition submitted made goes on tour to various workshops and galleries.
See the works at exhibitions at:
~ Neo: arts Gallery (Bolton, England) [13th Jan 2018 -13th Feb 2018]
~West Yorkshire Print Workshop (nr Huddersfield, England) [20th Feb - 24th March 2018]
~Hong Kong Baptist University (yes, Hong Kong!) [8th May-30th May 2018]
~Highland Print Studio (Inverness, Scotland) [dates t.b.c]
(NEWS): ...Sooo excited to be doing an artist-in-residence project for Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Carlisle, where I will be given 3 days to design and build a giant Chinese dragon for parade at the city's first ever Chinese New Year Festival on the 16th February 2018! Families will also be able to come along and see me work in the space as well as to take part in scale-making too! I will be at Tullie House on Monday 12th February 2018 - Wednesday 14th February 2018. 10am-5pm. Parade starts at 3:30pm on the Friday but there will be plenty of things to see and do on the day! :)
(NEWS): ...Lots happening with the Chinese New Year festivities this year: will be taking part in various festivals and running creative workshops as part of this! ...I do get booked up very quickly during this period so if you are interested in a booking, please get in touch early to avoid disappointment! :-)
(SEASON'S GREETINGS): ...Happy New Year to you all! ...Well, here's to another fantastic year full of creative adventures and exciting things! :-) :-) :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be delivering my first bespoke "Behind the Mask!" schools workshop for Yorkshire Sculpture Park on 19th December 2017! It's a new formal learning offer, which I have co-designed, which explores ideas around the self whilst exploring cultural influences, history and tradition, community and belonging in response to artworks in the park. Themes such as protest, migration and journeying into the unknown will also be explored through discussion and making activities. :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be showing and selling work at The Art Sale 2017 at Queen's Hall Arts Centre, Hexham. Three of my hand-cut woodcut prints will be available there!
2nd December 2017 - 6th January 2018. Free entry.
Gallery 1 and 2 open on: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm and Sat 10am-4pm. Excluding Bank Holidays and Public Holidays.
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be delivering my first bespoke "Surreal Structures!" schools workshop for Yorkshire Sculpture Park on 19th October 2017! It's a new formal learning offer, which I have co-designed, which explores the relationship between sculpture and architecture with a fantastic opportunity to explore relevant 3D artworks within YSP's outdoors collection too. :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be part of Anime Attacks once again at Gateshead Central Library, Tyne and Wear, on Saturday 21st October 2017! I will be delivering "Mecha Cardboard-Sculpture Building!" drop-in workshop at 11am-1pm and "Manga Monoprinting!" drop-in workshop at 2pm-3:30pm. :-) Workshops are included as part of overall ticket price. Full details on here:
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be delivering a fun-filled Shadow Puppetry workshop with Year 3 pupils at Grangetown Primary School, Sunderland, on Friday 13th October 2017! The children will be learning about the history and culture of the artform, as well as different stages of creating a Shadow Puppet Show from initial ideas, to story-building and character development, to set and lighting design and then finally through to the actual final performance of it in front of an audience! It's going to be a fab day indeed! :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be creating new work for 20:20 Print Exchange this year, as a studio member of Northern Print! The annual project will see a mass exchange of limited editioned prints across the country (and possibly even beyond!) and then the prints will also be shown around the country at various exhibitions! I have decided that I will use woodcut for my entry and this will be the first time that I have created a design so small in this medium but I look forward to the challenge! :)
(NEWS): ...Really looking forward to attending the lecture by Baroness Floella Benjamin OBE, called "Facing Adversity with a Smile!" at University Newcastle as part of their Insights: Public Lectures series! On 3rd October 2017.
(NEWS): ...Don't forget to check out the Events Page on my Facebook Artist Page to find out more about my upcoming art events/workshops for the public! I work all around the country so there's bound to be a visit near you at some stage! XD
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be invited to research and design a family friendly art workshop event to coincide with the new Rana Begum: Occasional Geometries exhibition at Longside Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park. The final event will be on Wednesday 9th August 2017: 11am-12:45pm and 1:15pm-4pm. Free entry. All materials provided! ...See you all there!
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be co-designing some new formal learning offers for Yorkshire Sculpture Park to coincide with their new exhibitions/new artwork acquisition and then getting the opportunity to deliver them too! In my role as one of YSP's freelance artist educators, I also deliver bespoke workshops as part of their core Formal Learning programme! So if you bring your school group to visit there, our paths may meet! XD
(NEWS): ...Really excited to invited back to IncludFEST Tees Valley at South Park, Darlington, on 15th July 2017. 10am-3pm. Come along to "Pui's Pop-Up Photobooth!" and I will be running a family-friendly drop-in Prop-Making workshop during the day! You can then express yourself for a fun photo or silly Selfie! :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be back working as Freelance Art Co-Ordinator and Art Tutor for arts charity LifewithArt! We will be back again working at Dunedin House in Stockton-on-Tees this July-August 2017! ...Hooray!
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be going to see the "From Shore to Shore" play at Newcastle Chinatown in June! Visit the following link to buy a ticket, which also includes a meal. Although not directly involved in the play itself, I was involved in the project by interviewing and photographing people at the North East Chinese Association Elders Lunch Club and also Liverpool Chinese Wellbeing Dementia Network. I also collaborated on a family-friendly drop-in workshop with Creative Writer, Mary Cooper, where I designed a Hand-Crafted Book inspired by Chinese symbolism and showed the participants how to make one; Mary then worked with the group to help them write their own poetry to go inside the books, which were treasured and taken home with them! This was at The Royal Armouries in Leeds.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to have featured in the latest LifewithArt newsletter! :-) See link:
(NEWS): ...Really happy to have been invited to do a Woodblock Print Demonstration as part of the LATE SHOWS event at Northern Print, Newcastle, on Saturday 20th May 2017. You can come along, chat to me and see examples of my recent woodblock work! It's on at 7pm until late! There will also be exhibitions to see and drop-in workshops to take part in too! Free entry. P.S If you are interested in buying any of my prints, just get in touch!
(NEWS): ...Come along to my "Make Your Own 3D Cardboard Rabbit Sculpture!" Easter family-friendly workshop at Victoria Gallery and Museum in Liverpool! On 20th April 2017. 1pm-4pm. All materials provided. Free entry.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be working for the arts charity LifewithArt again as Art Co-ordinator and Art Tutor! This time, the venue will be at Dunedin House, Teesdale Business Park in Stockton. I look forward to working with the new groups for this programme from March 2017 to mid-April 2017.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be invited to be involved with the From Shore to Shore project, where I will be doing some photography at the Chinese elders lunch club at NECA in Newcastle (March 2017) and also at the Dementia Support Network run by Chinese Wellbeing in Liverpool (April 2017).
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to being part of the GemArts Mini Mela event at Caedmon Hall at Gateshead Central Library on Saturday 24th February 2017! I will be delivering a family-friendly drop-in block-pinting workshop as part it! 11am-3pm! :-)
(NEWS): ..."Creative Compositions and Abstract Impressions!" -A Drawing workshop for adults with Artist Pui Lee! On 8th February 2017. 6pm-8:30pm. Participants will use various stimuli and drawing materials to experiment and explore different drawing techniques with my guidance. Suitable for beginners and intermediate drawers aged 16yrs+. See to book your ticket.
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to working with the children at St. Joseph's Primary School in Gateshead on a big lantern-making project this February! :-)
(NEWS): ...Celebrate Chinese New Year and come along to my "Make Your Own Chinese Dragon Puppet!" family-friendly workshop at Victoria Gallery and Museum in Liverpool! On 28th January 2017. 1pm-4pm. All materials provided. Free entry.
(NEWS): ...anddd my popular cardboard creature sculptures are back again! hehe! This time, we have a charming two-legged animal for this latest project! :-)
...Celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year and come along to my "Make Your Own 3D Cardboard Rooster Sculpture!" family-friendly workshop at The Gallery in Gateshead! On Saturday 21st January 2017. 10am-12:30pm. All materials provided. Free entry.
(NEWS): ...I look forward to doing some more work as a Freelance Teacher for Dragons in Europe this January delivering exciting educational workshops in Chinese culture in primary schools across the North of the country!
(SEASON'S GREETINGS): ...(01/01/2017) ...Happy New Year to you all! 2016 has certainly been an interesting and exciting one for me! Lots of great things happening in my career and I look forward to the upcoming arty adventures in 2017!
(NEWS): ...(01/12/2016): ...What a way to start the last month of the year! Had a super day delivering 3D art workshops for primary school classes at The Whitworth Art Gallery today! Got brilliant feedback back too! My first time working for them as a freelancer so I'm really happy to be a part of their team now!
(-as well lol!!)
...GB takeover here I come!!!!
(NEWS): ...(16/11/2016): ...Check out this fabulous culture blog by Rachel Horton! -I'm apparently October Artist of the Month! Hooray! Thank you very much for featuring me! -Great to chat!
(NEWS): ...(14/11/2016): ...Awesome! Just received the good news that I have officially been selected to be one of the freelance artist-educators for THE Yorkshire Sculpture Park!!!
This year has definitely been a good one for me career-wise with a number of top art museums/galleries and interesting projects inviting me to work for them! ...Long may it continue!
(NEWS): ...(12/11/2016): ...Wow! What an awesome day! :-) Did an artist-in-residence day at the New Squares gallery space in Penrith and absolutely delighted to find that my exhibited woodblock print had sold a week in after the show opened! ...Also sold some other smaller prints today too! It was good to chat to the visitors about my work and demo things. It makes me very happy indeed to have people make positive comment about my artworks e.g. "really lovely work", "beautiful", "I can appreciate the skill involved", "really detailed" etc. :-0 Thank you also to those fabulous people who nominated me as their top 3 People's Choice vote too!
(NEWS): ...Will be showing new some woodblock prints in some group exhibitions in the North East as part of the International Print Biennial 2016! Free entry. Works for sale.
- "Engaging with Print" Group Exhibition at Gallery 45, Felton Arts Centre, Felton, Northumberland. (08 October - 23 November 2016.)
- Northern Print Studio Members Exhibition at St. Dominic's Priory Church, Newcastle. (30 Sept -02 Oct 2016.)
(NEWS): ...Am super excited to be joining the freelance gallery education team at The Lowry in Salford to deliver school workshops for them later this year and beyond! It's such a fantastic venue! :-)
(NEWS): ...Went along to "The Big Draw! STEAM Symposium" day event at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead on Saturday 9th September 2016 and it was really interesting indeed listening to the broad range of speakers talk about the role of visual literacy in their practice whatever the discipline.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be invited back to Castle View Enterprise Academy, Sunderland, to deliver some art workshops for them throughout the upcoming academic year! :-)
(NEWS): ...I will be delivering some Roald Dahl-themed 2D art workshops inspired by his book, "Dirty Beasts and Revolting Rhymes", at the following Sunderland venues:
-Washington Galleries Library: (Tuesday 30th August 2016); 2:15pm-3:15pm
-Sunderland City Library & Arts Centre: (Friday 2nd September 2016); 2:30pm-3:30pm
The workshops are family-friendly and participants can expect to try their hand at character drawing, experiment with different media and receive lots of tips from a real professional artist!
Free entry. All materials are provided.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be back again at The People's History Museum in Manchester to deliver a family-friendly drop-in art workshop, "Protest Collage Posters!". Wednesday 31st August 2016. 1pm-3pm. Free entry. All materials are provided. ...So come along and make your mark! :-)
(05/06/2016): ...And so, I have successfully completed my charity trek challenge in the Brecon Beacons!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-)
The Brecon Beacons run through the centre of South Wales and are the training ground of the SAS. As you can imagine, The Beacons routes will provide trekkers with an extreme physical workout and a psychologically taxing challenge, crossing the highest peaks in South Wales including Pen y Fan (886m), Corn Du (873m), Cribyn (795m) and Fan y Big (719m). Never been to South Wales before and yes, I decided to go horse riding for the first time the day before for five hours! -Got to live life to the fullest!
So, I began the trek at 9am on Saturday 4th June 2016, with a half mile walk before it just getting to the start location. Then I crossed that all important finishing line on 7:23am on Sunday 5th June 2016 morning. So my completion time was 22hours23mins according to the tannoy. The trek consisted of every type of terrain imaginable - and not very forgiving ones at that - with plenty of ascending and descending of varying slope types. I also reached the summit of the highest peak in South Wales called Pen Y Fan via the harder steep option, as well as crossing the other three high peaks. I wasn't travelling light either carrying a rucksack with 3 litres of water, snacks, clothes, camera and other trek-related equipment. Obviously, when night fell, the trek still continued and you're completely reliant on light from your headtorch... and the route certainly didn't get easier just because it got dark! Interestingly, the event organisers did also comment that the distances marked out were actually longer than what was stated, so it's more than likely I ended up doing about 50-ish miles today instead of the 47 miles. LOL! XD
Well, it's definitely been the toughest and at times, terrifying challenge I have ever undertaken and I am so pleased to have achieved completion especially since I hadn't specifically trained for the event beforehand. It was my first ever trek and the experience has definitely left me with memories to last a lifetime. Not all trekkers complete their treks sadly and some do end up pulling out for various reasons; but I was adamant that I will most definitely see it through to the end regardless of what obstacles threw themselves at me. It just goes to show what mental willpower and a determined mindset can do for you!
Many thanks to the people who have kindly supported me on my fundraising mission and made a donation. All funds raised will go directly Alzheimers Society charity. Please donate to:
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be invited to do some work on the upcoming Tram Sunday Festival in Fleetwood (near Blackpool), which takes place in July! I will be delivering a couple of 3hr Creative Professional Development workshops for teachers, youth group leaders, parents in the local community as well as working with staff members from Alphabet House Day Nursery on a project, where they will be participating in the parade procession for the very first time! ...More details to come! :-)
NEWS: ...Excited to be delivering a Creative Development workshop at LifewithArt charity arts centre in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. It is only a one-off but it will be my first time working in Northern Ireland so I'm really looking forward to it! I was invited to co-ordinate the summer programme initially but will be handing over the project to local new recruits after this initial first session! I will be working with Rainbow Project adult community group on 19th July 2016, 2pm-4pm, and I look forward to meeting them!
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be invited to visit Castle View Enterprise Academy, Sunderland, again to deliver a series of creative workshops for Year 8 and Year 10 pupils as part of their Challenge Day! On 8th July 2016.
(NEWS): ...Really excited that some of my etchings will be on show at a group exhibition called, "In or Out" at the new Chester Art Centre, Cheshire! The show runs from 5th June 2016 - 19th June 2016! Really pleased to get some great feedback from the curators of the show about my work! :-)
NEWS: ...Excited to be asked to co-ordinate the LifewithArt workshop programme in Stretford, Manchester, this summer as cover work. ...Watch-this-space!
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be invited to deliver a China-themed workshop day on 21st June 2016 for pupils Years 3 - 8 at St. Martin's Ampleforth School, Yorkshire. Representing Dragons in Europe as a Freelance Teacher.
(NEWS): ...Really pleased to be a member of Northern Print now and I look forward to using their studios and facilities to create some new print-work! :-)
(NEWS): ...And so, my latest charity fundraising challenge and mission for 2016:
As some of you know, I also work with individuals who suffer from dementia in my art workshops and so, this is why I have chosen this charity to raise funds for this year. On Saturday 4th June 2016, I will be completing a 75km (47 mile ish) trek challenge in the Brecon Beacons, which runs through the centre of South Wales and is the training ground for the SAS! The journey will also involve crossing some of the highest peaks there so it's not for the faint-hearted (-I've been told)! This is my first time doing anything like this so I hope you can support me on my fundraising mission here! :-)
I will be fundraising for Alzheimers Society is the UK's leading support and research charity, helping those with any form of dementia. Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases, such as Alzheimer's Disease or a series of strokes. Dementia describes a set of symptoms, which may include memory loss and/or difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. There is no cure and it is a progressive disease, which means that the symptoms will gradually get worse over time. It has a devastating effect - not just on the diagnosed individual but on those caring for them too.
Please donate to:
Many thanks in advance! :-)
(NEWS): Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May 2016: 3D Flat-Pack Cardboard Animal Sculptures with Artist Pui Lee; @ LIFE Science Centre, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 11am-5pm. To coincide with the exciting new "Animals Inside Out" exhibition, which opens that same weekend!
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be delivering a drop-in family-friendly workshop, "Create Your Own 3D Picasso-esque Self-Portrait Sculpture!" at The Gallery at Gateshead Central Library, Tyne and Wear. On Tuesday 31st May 2016. 1:30pm-4pm.
(NEWS): ...Will be delivering a family-friendly half-term drop-in art workshop at The People's History Museum in Salford, "Crafters: Strike a Pose!", Wednesday 1st June 2016. To coincide with the new Grafters photography exhibition. All materials provided. 1pm-3pm.
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be invited to deliver a weekly after-school Art Club at South Street Primary School in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear! :-) I'm sure that we will all have lots of creative fun making some really cool things! XD
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be invited to deliver some art workshops for the International Centre for Life in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne! It's a great science museum so I am really happy to be doing some work for them!
Saturday 9th April 2016: WOW-worthy Wearable Sculptures with Artist Pui Lee; @ 10am-4:30pm.
Sunday 10th April 2016: WOW-worthy Wearable Sculptures with Artist Pui Lee; @ 11am-4:30pm.
Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May 2016: 3D Flat-Pack Cardboard Sculptures with Artist Pui Lee; times to be confirmed.
(NEWS): ...Will be delivering a contemporary 3D art workshop, "Objects of Value", at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle, on Saturday 25th June 2015. Aimed at adults. To coincide with the new Cumwhitton Viking exhibition. Please enquire at the museum reception to book your place or phone the museum at: 01228 618718
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be freelancing as an artist for Z-Arts in Manchester! :-) Am really happy that my portfolio is still continuing to expand! I will be delivering some children's art workshops during the February half-term there on the Wednesday 17th Feb 2016 (Chinese Paper-Cutting) and Friday 19th Feb 2016 ("Lots of Luck!" Sculptures)! -Can't wait! XD ...More info to come!
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be working as artist for Lancaster Chinese New Year Festival 2016!! Thursday 27th January 2016 - 31st January 2016! ...More details to come! XD
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to promoting Chinese culture in my workshops as a freelance teacher for Dragons in Europe this January-February 2016! :-) ...Will be visiting lots of primary schools up and down the country! ...-Can't wait!
"I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! :-) What an awesome year it has been! Lots of highlights indeed but I am definitely looking forward to all the fun and new arty adventures for 2016! :-D "
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be creating a new installation artwork as part of the West Walls Artists Retrospective group show at The Old Fire Station arts centre in Carlisle. Preview event: 7pm onwards on 4th Dec 2015. Show runs from 4th Dec 2015 to 13th Dec 2015. All welcome! :-)
[NOTE: Due to the recent flooding in the area after Storm Desmond, the exhibition has had to close after 6th December 2015 and plans are being made for a second-time exhibition later on in 2017. Watch-this-space!]
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be invited to have a stall at the Christmas Fayre at The Manor House care home in Newcastle! It's at 2pm-4pm on Saturday 28th November 2015! I'm currently making some festive bits and pieces for it as we speak, and I can reveal that I will also be selling some etchings of mine too! :-D
(NEWS): ...Back by popular demand! (Hooray!) I will be delivering another Flatpack 3D Cardboard Christmas Reindeer drop-in workshop at Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, on Saturday 12th December 2015. 1:00pm-3:00pm. Suitable for families and all materials will be provided. :-D
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be invited to demonstrate Chinese arts and crafts at an event at The Sage, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear! As part of BBC Radio 3's Free Thinking Festival of Ideas! 1pm-4pm. Saturday 7th November 2015. Come and find me in the BBC Get Creative section and join in the fun! :-)
(NEWS): ...Come along to Hexham Spook Night in Northumberland and take part in my family-friendly drop-in art workshop at Queen's Hall Arts Centre to make your own "Cute and Creepy Halloween-Themed Teru Teru Bozus" to take home with you! All welcome. Saturday 31st October 2015; 5pm-7pm. There will also be lots of other fun things going on during the event so make a day of it! :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be continually expanding my client base! I am now a freelance artist for Victoria Gallery and Museum in Liverpool too! I look forward to delivering art workshops for them in the coming year! :-)
(NEWS): ...I look forward to working as a freelance teacher again for Dragons in Europe in Jan/Feb 2016, delivering educational workshops on Chinese New Year and Chinese culture! :-)
(03/10/2015): ...Wow! What a great turnout for my first workshop of October 2015! It was a family-friendly Big Draw! drop-in session at The Gallery at Gateshead Central Library, Tyne and Wear! The theme is "Every drawing tells a story!" and participants of all ages took part in my series of drawing challenges to reinterpret their favourite books and stories! It was a great morning indeed and there were lots of fantastic drawings made! Thanks to everyone who came along! :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be delivering workshops as part of the annual Big Draw! at the following venues:
Saturday 3rd October 2015; 10am-12:30pm: @ The Gallery at Gateshead Central Library, Tyne and Wear!
Tuesday 26th October 2015: 11am-3pm: @ Cumbria's Museum of Military Life, Carlisle!
(19/09/2015): ...I successfully completed the Cross Morecambe Bay Charity Walk this year, led by The Queen's Guide, Cedric Robinson! I thoroughly enjoyed this 10 mile walk in aid of VSO, which started from Arnside (Lancashire) to Grange-over-Sands (Cumbria)! :-)
(INTERESTING EXHIBITIONS ALERT): ...As you know, I regularly visit exhibitions each month and this September is no different:
I am looking forward to seeing the following - (watch out for reviews on my Facebook Artist Page):
Both Sides Now 2: @ CFCCA, Manchester: --- 25 September 2015 - 6 December 2015. Preview: 24/09/15; 6pm-8pm.
Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige: I must first apologise… @ HOME, Manchester: --- 12 September - 1 November 2015
Dismaland - Banksy @ Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset: 20 August - 26 September 2015.
The Fergusson Gallery, Perth: ongoing.
(NEWS): ...I will indeed be visiting Banksy's Dismaland in Weston-Super-Mare on 11th September 2015!!! Am so excited that I was lucky enough to buy a ticket for this once in a lifetime exhibit! A full review and photos will be posted afterwards. :-D
(NEWS): ...I will be returning to The People's History Museum in Salford/Manchester this Wednesday 28th October half-term to deliver a family-friendly drop-in art workshop called, "Break the Vault!" ...All welcome. All materials provided.
(***NEWS***): - EXCITING SUMMER PROJECT - The Creative Currency Casino: ...
Everyone’s a winner as there are a lot of exciting things happening this summer as part of the pARTicipate family-friendly programme at The People’s History Museum, Salford!
Local families are invited to engage with ideas of money in the current changing exhibition, Show Me the Money: The Image of Finance (1700 to Present Day) and to take part in a series of artist-led workshops with Pui Lee, learning new creative techniques along the way including: drawing, collage, origami, 3D and printmaking. The workshop programme will conclude with a final banknote drawing workshop, where participants can then try their luck at the artist’s Creative Currency Casino to win some fabulous prizes!
Sessions are for children aged 5yrs+ to adults and will take place on the following Wednesdays at 1pm-3pm:
- (29/07/2015): "Make Your Own Personalised Piggy-Bank Fit For a King or Queen!"
- (05/08/2015): "Recycled Sculptures Worth Every Penny!"
- (12/08/2015): "All the Money in the World - Credit Card & Origami Card Holder Craft"
- (19/08/2015): "The Great Exchange - The Banknote of I"
- (26/08/2015): "The Creative Currency Casino!" <---the exciting finale event
The work created during the workshops can be taken home or displayed here for all to see.
Throughout the summer, visitors of all ages will also get the opportunity to contribute to the All the Money in the World installation by the artist, which explores ideas of wealth and aspiration. This can be found in the family learning section within the "Show Me the Money!" exhibition itself!
Pui Lee says, “Money is a huge part of our everyday lives and yet it is often regarded as being a bit of a forbidden subject. We are often reluctant to talk about it and although it is often perceived as being a grown-ups’ subject, I think it is worth engaging children and young people with it too. This is a unique project, which explores the theme of money in terms of how we use it, the exchanges that we make and its perceived value.I hope to encourage parent and child collaboration as well as a greater understanding of art conversations across all ages and abilities.”
Venue: The People's History Museum, Left Bank, Salford. Suitable for all ages. All materials provided.
Hope you can all take part in my exciting new project, The Creative Currency Casino! Check out and follow the accompanying blog as the project progresses: :-)
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be freelancing for The Gallery at Gateshead Central Library in Tyne and Wear this Autumn and Spring! :-) ...Watch out for news on art workshops that I will be delivering very soon!
(OPPORTUNITIES): ...Due to interest, I am now also accepting bookings for private lessons/tuition too! I can tailor the session to your own individual needs, whether you want to learn something new, develop existing skills further, need help with portfolio preparation or whatever! :-) Please note: Because of the nature of my freelance work, I will require some flexibility with work bookings because my availability does vary from one week to the next; but otherwise, get in touch and let's see what we can do! :-)
(Family First Saturday Workshops with Pui Lee): ...I will be back at Prescot Museum, Knowsley, to deliver some family-friendly drop-in art workshops on Saturday 1st August 2015 and Saturday 5th September 2015. 12:30pm-3pm. Suitable for all ages. All welcome!
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to delivering a family-friendly drop-in art workshop as part of Knowsley FeelGood Festival! on Saturday 8th August 2015. 1pm-5pm. Suitable for all ages. All welcome and all materials provided. So come along and make a dreamcatcher with me on the day!
(OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE - June - July 2015): ...There will be artist-led primary schools workshops with me available at NGCA, Sunderland, to coincide with the upcoming Plot Bunny exhibition by Beatriz Olabarrieta and Turner by Cornelia Baltes (5th June - 11th July 2015). The workshops will include a look around the exhibition, 3D practical activity and also creative writing too. Please select from: June: 23rd, 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th or July; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th. If interested, either contact myself or NGCA at: 0191 561 1235
(01-02/06/2015): ...Went along to a 2-Day academic conference at Manchester University called, "The Knowledge of Emotion", which was really, really interesting! More info to come! :-)
(23/05/2015): ...Had a lovely day working at the West Area Heritage Event at Barnes Park, Sunderland! I delivered 3 craft workshops: "Design your own TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimensions in Sunderland) Heritage Bag". It was a lovely sunny day and fantastic to see such a big turnout! Thank you to everyone who came along to my workshops! :-)
(NEWS): ...Sooo excited to have got a ticket to the upcoming Cornelia Parker lecture at Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, on Thursday 23rd April 2015!! She's one of my favourite contemporary artists and I am really excited to be going along to hear her talk about her work. The tickets for the event sold out so quickly, so I feel very lucky to have got one when they did a second release a few weeks later! ...Hooray! :-D
(NEWS): ...Really excited to be freelancing for the Queen's Art Centre in Hexham this Autumn! :-) ...Watch out for news on art workshops that I will be delivering very soon!
(NEWS): ...Easter Half-Term Art Workshop: ...I will be delivering a family-friendly drop-in art workshop, "Make a city installation out of recycled materials with artist Pui Lee!" at The Drawing Room, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear; on Thursday 9th April 2015. 1:30pm - 3:30pm. Suitable for all ages. Materials will be provided. All welcome.
(NEWS): ...Looking forward to visiting Buddies Clubs and Services again at Netherton Community Centre, Glasgow, this Easter break! I will be delivering a Kite-Making workshop for their service users on Thursday 16th April 2015. Representing Ricefield Chinese Arts & Cultural Centre.
(April 2015): ...I will be delivering an "Introduction to Monoprint!" workshop for participants aged 16yrs plus at Best Life Centre, Botchergate, Carlisle, on Saturday 11th April 2015. 1pm - 3pm. All welcome. As part of the Creative Wellbeing project, directed by Rebecca Mellor. Check out: for more details.
(NEWS): ...Well, I am really pleased that my portfolio is still expanding! I am really excited to work with the People's History Museum, Salford, as a freelance artist! I will be delivering their pARTicipate drop-in art workshops in the summer, which I am currently in the middle of planning! Dates are: 25/07/2015; 05/08/2015; 12/08/2015; 19/08/2015 & 26/08/2015. ...Further news to come!
(31/03/2015): ...I had a great time working with pupils (all years) from Stalyhill Infant School, Stalybridge, to create two giant Chinese dragons for display at their school! I spent the day at the school, delivering a grand total of 5 art workshops as part of their Diversity Day! The children worked really well together - well done to everyone for all their hard work! Representing CFCCA, Manchester. ...Pics to come!
(March 2015): ...Looking forward to delivering my rag-rugging workshops as part of the Creative Wellbeing Out West project! 10am-12pm at Sneckyeat Community Centre, Whitehaven. On Tuesdays 10th and 17th March 2015! ...See you all there! :-)
(Feb 2015): ...Come along to my family-friendly art workshops: "Make Your Very Own Flat-Pack 3D Cardboard Ram!" as part of the 4-day Manchester Chinese New Year celebrations 2015!! :-D Find me in the big marquee on St. Ann's Square in the city centre. All materials are provided. On Thursday 19th February and Saturday 21st February 2015. 12pm-3:30pm. ...Hope to see you all there! :-D
There is a very exciting programme of events and things to be seen. Check out:
(18/02/2015): ...Come along to my half-term family-friendly art workshop, "Make Your Own Fortune Cookie & Origami Container Craft!" this afternoon at Houghton Library, Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne & Wear. 2:30pm-4:00pm. All materials will be provided. ...See you all there!
(16/02/2015): ...Come along to my half-term family-friendly art workshop, "Make Your Own Fortune Cookie & Origami Container Craft!" this afternoon at Sunderland City Library & Arts Centre, Fawcett Street, Sunderland. 2:30pm-4:00pm. All materials will be provided. ...See you all there!
(08/02/2015): ...Well, I'm really pleased to say that I have indeed successfully completed the charity sleep-out challenge in Windermere with only a sleeping bag (-and no tent!) in order to raise vital funds for the Winter Warmth Appeal, which helps vulnerable older people survive the winter when facing rising fuel costs and other problems. It was so much fun indeed, super cold (reached down to minus 6 degrees during the night!!) but a fantastic experience! -Definitely one of my highlights of this year already!
(07/02/2015): ...THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME!!! It is, of course, my charity sleep-out tonight in Windermere to raise vital funds for the Winter Warmth Appeal, which helps vulnerable older people survive the winter when facing rising fuel costs and other problems.
Well - I am SO, SO, excited indeed!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! ...YEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
(06/02/2015): ...Went along to the Arts Award Annual Conference 2015 today at Newcastle City Library, Tyne & Wear. Many thanks to BridgeNorthEast for hosting yet another really informative and inspiring event! It was fantastic to bump into some of my work colleagues who I freelance for as an artist as well as meeting new faces too! The day was action-packed with lots of interesting talks about Arts Award and creative projects that have been carried out in the region. There were also some participatory workshops in the afternoon too, which were really good to take part in! I went along to the sessions about 'Creative Evidencing' and 'Connections - Collaborative Working'. At the end of the day, we were even treated to a poetry reading and a live dance performance too... -members of the audience even got the opportunity to learn a few steps of the foxtrot!? ...All good fun! :-D
(24/01/2015): ...I am absolutely delighted to say that I have officially raised a whopping £521.00 to date for the Winter Warmth Appeal, which I have been fundraising for!!! The charity helps vulnerable older people survive the winter when faced with rising fuel costs and poor health, so it’s for a really good cause! Thank you to everyone who has kindly made a donation so far, because every little helps! Now all I have to do is to complete the sleep-out challenge in Windermere on the 7th February 2015! …Am really looking forward to it! If you would like to make a donation, please go onto: ...Thank you! :-)
(22/01/2015): ...First there were reindeers... and then there were polar bears... and then along came some dinosaurs with some funky felines too... and now to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year, I can exclusively reveal that there is going to be a big flock of flat-pack 3D cardboard rams appearing very soon!! ...Here is the very first prototype structure for my ram that I have designed, which is now standing proudly in the CityCo offices in Manchester! (pic to be uploaded soon)
...Want to make a personalised one to take home with you? Come along to my family-friendly drop-in art workshop at St. Ann's Square in Manchester city centre. All materials will be provided. I will be there during the afternoons of Thursday 19th February 2015 and Saturday 21st February 2015.
(13/01/2015): ...Today was my first art workshop as part of the Creative Wellbeing Out West Project (project managed by Rebecca Mellor). I went to Whitehaven today and enjoyed lovely views of the West Cumbrian coast as I travelled down on the train! At my workshop, participants explored the art of monoprinting in a relaxed and informal environment. I demonstrated and showed various techniques to try, which they then experimented with and created some great prints to take home wth them! One participant commented, "I thought it was absolutely brilliant!" ...I'm really glad everyone who took part enjoyed themselves today! :-) ...Pics coming soon!
(08/01/2015): ...Well, the first art workshop in 2015 is today's one working with the residents at The Manor House care home in Newcastle! The residents explored a variety of painting techniques and produced some lovely artworks to take back with them. One participant commented, "The best part of today? Well, to learn something is GOOD and it helps build your confidence. I had a very pleasant afternoon so thank you very much. I enjoyed myself, made something and learnt something too. Hope you can come back again soon." ...Always great to get positive feedback back from the people taking part in my sessions! :-) ...Pics coming soon!
(05/01/2015): ...Details of my art workshops, which I will be delivering as part of the Creative Wellbeing Out West project:
Tues 13th Jan 2015; 10am-12pm: An Introduction to Monoprint! @ Whitehaven
Wed 14th Jan 2015; 1:30pm-3:30pm: An Introduction to Monoprint! @ Maryport Community Fire Room
Tues 20th Jan 2015; 10am-12pm: Make Your Own Stuffed Felt Monster! @ Whitehaven.
Wed 21st Jan 2015: 1:30pm-3:30pm: Make Your Own Stuffed Felt Monster! @ Maryport Community Fire Room
Tues 10th March 2015; 10am-12pm: Rag-Rugging! @ Whitehaven
Tues 17th March 2015; 10am-12pm: Rag-Rugging! @ Whitehaven
Sneckyeat Community Centre, Hensingham, Whitehaven. CA28 8PG.
Maryport Community Fire Room, Mealpot Road, Maryport. CA15 6NQ.
NEWS: ...Absolutely delighted to be invited back again to deliver workshops as part of the Creative Wellbeing Out West! project in the coming new year. This time, I will be delivering workshops in the Maryport and Whitehaven area on various dates between January and March 2015. ...More details to be announced!
NEWS: ...Absolutely delighted to be selected to be involved in the Manchester Chinese New Year Festival 4-day celebrations. I will be delivering some family-friendly art workshops as part of this and members of the public will get the opportunity to take part in some exciting projects of mine! Check out:
NEWS: ...Really pleased to be working for Dragons in Europe ( as a freelance teacher in January and February 2015! I'll be visiting various schools up and down the country as part of this work! Watch-this-space!
18/11/2014: …I went along to a lecture today by Oxford University lecturer, Dr Selina Todd, at Newcastle University as part of their “Lectures for All: INSIGHTS” programme. The lecture was called, "The People: The Rise and Fall of the Working Class (1910-2010)." Much of my art practice involves working with people, exploring ideas of identity and our place within the world today; so this talk was of great interest to me in terms of research. This social history lecture documented the voices of real working-class people from servants, factory workers, miners to housewives throughout the twentieth century. Charting the rise of the working class, through two world wars to their fall in Thatcher's Britain and today, Dr Todd tells their story in their own words in what was thoroughly engaging and vivid lecture.
06/11/2014: ...I went along to the NEATEN Termly Meeting Autumn 2014 at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead. I got the opportunity to listen to artist teachers around the region talk about their projects and it was definitely an inspiring session indeed!
Wed 29th October 2014: ...Come along to Cumbria's Museum of Military Life, Carlisle, where I will be delivering a very special drop-in Big Draw! workshop, called, "Local Heroes"! 11am-3pm. All ages welcome. No experience necessary. All materials provided.
Tues 28th October 2014: ...Come along to Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland, where I will be delivering a very special drop-in Halloween-themed art workshop and I will be showing participants how to make their very own flatpack 3D Lucky Black Cat to take home with them! 1:30pm-3:30pm. All ages welcome. No experience necessary. Free entry.
Sat 11th & Sun 12th October 2014: ...Come along to The Big Draw! event, "It's Our World!" at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Carlisle! There will be FREE drop-in family-friendly drawing workshops with Artist Pui Lee and Digital Artist Emma Goodman in the galleries. Event is 1pm-4pm. More info about my project to come but mini-workshops with me at 1:30pm, 2:30pm and 3:30pm in the Border Rievers Gallery. All ages welcome. No experience necessary. Museum admission charges apply..
15/09/2014: ...Went along to my first CafeCulture event in Newcastle this evening and I wasn't disappointed! Tonight's discussion was called, "The Mexican Mafia and Me" and it proved to be a really fascinating subject, which raised thought-provoking questions about both individual and collective responsibility, the consequences of our actions and decisions in life, the possibilities of rehabilitation as well as the broader notion of what humanity really means. It was great to meet artist, Lyn Hagan, as she reflected on her recent work, which explores the complexities of the human side of death row. She spoke about the sensitivities involved in such an investigation, her friendship with a prisoner facing the death sentence and also the public perceptions of her work. The regular CafeCulture events involves informal cafe-style discussions on culture, politics, philosophy and science. The programme for the year ahead definitely looks set to be really intellectually stimulating and I look forward to attending future ones!
SEPT 2014: ...I have officially received news that I have successfully passed my DTLLS postgraduate teaching course qualification! I completed my part-time studies earlier this summer after two years of hard work. Teaching and serving people has always been a large part of my life and the decision to work towards a formal teaching qualification seemed a logical CPD progression for me in order to further my skills and experiences. I now have relevant knowledge and understanding from a school/college teacher's perspective, including the challenges of working in a formal educational institution.
NEWS: (Summer 2014): Make It Mondays! FREE-drop-in family-friendly art workshops with Artist Pui Lee @ Prescot Museum, Knowsley.
~Monday 28th July 2014;
~Monday 4th August 2014;
~Monday 11th August 2014;
~Monday 18th August 2014.
1pm-4pm. All welcome. All materials provided.
NEWS: (July 2014): ...I will be delivering the Art Summer School for children from Years 4-6 at NGCA, Sunderland, during 21st-24th July 2014. My role involves researching the show and devising a series of educational and fun workshops, responding to this. The workshops will consist of a guided tour of the "Show Me Your Money!" exhibition by myself and of course, plenty of creative activities to get busy with! There will also be a mini exhibition of all the work by the children at NGCA afterwards (25th July 2014 - 30th August 2014), which will be open to the public, as a celebration of their achievements. :-) ...Looking forward to it!
NEWS: (08/07/2014): ...Been featured in an article in the Shields Gazette newspaper:
NEWS: (June 2014): I have just found out that I will be delivering some Textile Taster Workshops as part of the Cultural Spring 2014 programme in Sunderland! All welcome. No previous experience necessary.
Tuesday 8th July 2014: "Upcycling Textiles and Old Clothes to Make a Rag Rug" at Cleadon Methodist Church Hall, Sunderland. @ 1pm-3pm.
Friday 18th July 2014: "Design & Make Your Own Felt Stuffed Toy" at Castletown Community Association, Sunderland. @ 5:30pm-7:30pm.
NEWS: (May 2014): LifewithArt North East ( is back again this summer and I will soon be co-ordinating and delivering the next batch of FREE workshops at the Newcastle charity arts centre on Northumberland Street in the city centre. The sessions will take place between: Monday 16th June 2014 and Sunday 20th July 2014. If your charity and/or local community group is interested in taking part in this opportunity, then get in touch with me at: under the subject title: "LifewithArt Opportunity".
EXCITING NEWS: (06/06/2014): "The Market" (2014) exhibition at CFCCA is now installed and will open to the public from: Saturday 7th June 2014 -Sunday 15th June 2014. Hope you can all make it!
Photos and a write-up will be featured on this website in due course.
HELP REQUIRED: (May 2014): CFCCA (Manchester), Alder Community High School (Hyde) and I are trying to raise funds for the upcoming "The Market" exhibition as well as future projects at CFCCA. Check out: and please donate if you can! Pledges are only accepted if we meet the target goal within the specified deadline! Thank you in advance!
27/03/2014: ...Went to a really interesting lecture by Dr Helen Yallop (King's College London), "Ageing, Identity & Wellbeing: Looking at the Past to Understand the Future" at Newcastle University as part of their “Lectures for All: INSIGHTS” programme.
EXCITING NEWS: (11/03/2014): I have just found out that I have made it past the shortlisting process and have officially been selected to be the project artist for the final project of the 3-year START education programme at CFCCA, Manchester!
I am SO SO pleased to have been successful in my proposal application for this big project, which responds to the work of Manchester based illustrator Stanley Chow! I look forward to working with Alder Community High School in the upcoming months. I'm sure it will be great fun! The project will run from mid-April to mid-June 2014. There will be gallery visits, school art workshops, curatorial workshops and a final public exhibition as part of the project! I look forward to relocating temporarily in Manchester for the duration of this project!...How exciting! :-D
EXCITING NEWS: (09/03/2014): After a successful meeting and proposal presentation, I have been invited to be involved in an exciting new collaboration between Ricefield Chinese Arts & Cultural Centre (Glasgow) and Bridgeman Arts (Glasgow) to work on a Chinese-themed section in the upcoming West End Festival 2014 parade, which is the second biggest festival in the UK! I have been commissioned to deliver a series of Lantern-Inspired Costume-Making workshops for locals in the Glasgow area; and I will also be designing and creating a giant artwork (solo), which will act as a centrepiece during the parade itself. This is my first ever carnival work so I am so pleased to get the job and I look forward to the new creative challenge that lays ahead! Dates to be confirmed; but actual parade is on Sunday 8th June 2014 at 3pm.
Photos and a write-up will eventually featured on this website after the project finishes.
(06/03/2014): It's World Book Day today! I had a great day working with Year 5 pupils from St. Cuthbert's Primary School, Sunderland, and Year 2 pupils from Gillas Lane Primary School, Sunderland. The children took part in some Bookmaking workshops of mine at Sandhill Library and Houghton Library and all created a lovely hand-made book to take home with them! Pics coming soon... :-)
27/02/2014: ...Attended lecture by novelist and screenwriter Frank Cottrell Boyce at Newcastle University as part of their “Lectures for All: INSIGHTS” programme: "What's in Your Head?" (Fickling Lecture on Developments in Children's Literature). Got the opportunity to meet the man himself and get a book signed by him! ...Awesome!! :-)
07/02/2014: ...Was really inspired after attending the North East Arts Award Conference at Newcastle City Library. The guest speaker was only THE Michael Rosen and it was brilliant to hear him speak.
(23/01/2014): ...Really excited to be working with the following groups for the Spring batch of LifewithArt Newcastle art workshops: Tourettes Action North East (Northumberland); The Percy Hedley Foundation, Able 2 Day Centre (Newcastle); The Manor House (Gosforth); Forever Families Support Group (Northumberland) and The Heathlands Project, Laurie Brewis Trust (Carlisle).
The workshops will take place from 24th January 2014 to 8th March 2014 at our Newcastle venue.
(23/01/2014): At my arts 'n' crafts workshop, the residents at The Manor House, Newcastle, learnt all about Chinese culture and worked on a big collaborative project for permanent display at the home. Check out this massive Chinese blossom tree they created during the session! It looks really pretty!
(09/01/2014) ...Another positive testimonial about my work in care homes just came through today:
"Pui Lee has been coming to The Manor House, Gosforth, for some time now. We are a residential home looking after a large number of dementia clients. Pui Lee has a patient and understanding nature and relates to these residents extremely well. The projects for each workshop are different, she thinks of ideas that the residents can cope with and meets each individual's needs. We have had some wonderful Halloween and Christmas decorations which have been on show within the home. The residents have been very proud of their work. Pui Lee is one "activity" that I will not cut down on and will always make sure I can schedule her in every month for as long as she is able to come and see us." - Allison Lawton (Lifestyle Co-ordinator at The Manor House, Newcastle)
(06/01/2014): Great news! I have been invited to design and deliver some art workshops for CFCCA, Manchester, for Year 9 pupils at Manchester Communication Academy, exploring the theme of "My Place in Britain!". ...Looking forward to it! :-)
(06/01/2014): Another client testimonial just came in today:
"Pui Lee is an unusually excellent all-rounder as an artist and creative professional - she provides a range of clever ideas and approaches to any briefs/workshops given, is fabulous at facilitating children and family-friendly art workshops, documents everything in line with what is required and is always reliable. Her range of skills and attitude put her miles ahead of most other artists I have employed." - Knowsley Leisure and Culture Development Officer
(16/12/2013): Pui Lee is now an Arts Award Adviser for Discover/Explore Levels as well as for Bronze/Silver Levels. This means that I can now help children and young people aged 5yrs-25yrs achieve their Arts Awards! Arts Award is a fantastic scheme for children and young people today and it provides them with the opportunity to work towards an accredited award, which sits on the national qualification framework. Therefore I can also help participating schools fulfil ArtsMark application criteria. See for more info and/or get in touch with me to find out more about this opportunity!
I also look forward to attending the Arts Award Conference in Newcastle on 7th February 2014!
(15/12/2013): There were some festive treats in store for members of Tourettes Action North East and their friends and family at their end-of-year celebrations! I delivered some Christmas themed creative activities for the families, children and young people to get involved in. Projects included a recycled cardboard Christmas wreath, a 3D giant paper snowflake, some crafty carol-singing angels and other hanging decorations for the festive season.
Planned and taught my first ever life drawing class for the BTEC Foundation Art & Design (pre-Degree) students at Gateshead College, Tyne and Wear! This was part of my formal mentor observation as part of my OCR Level 5 DTLLS teaching qualification. I really enjoyed the experience and feedback from both mentor and learners was really positive! :-)
(OCT 2013): ...The residents at The Manor House, Newcastle, took part in some art workshops of mine to make some hand-made Halloween decorations to decorate the home!
(22/10/2013): Don't worry if you didn't manage to get to the exhibition of the Big Draw! installation of "The Museum of Curiosities!", you can still take part and/or view the drawing contributions from the project. Drawings in any media can be scanned in/photographed/created on Apps and emailed to me for inclusion on, which features all the individual drawings made as part of the Big Draw event.
(21/10/2013): ...Don't forget everyone: the Big Draw! installation: "The Museum of Curiosities!" is on show to the public for one week only! Go along to this hand-drawn museum and see everyone's drawings, see if you can spot the ones you made or add some more to the installation! :-) Free entry.
Opening Times: Monday 21st October 2013 – Friday 25th October 2013; 1pm-4pm; and Sunday 27th October 2013; 1pm-4pm.
Venue: The Community Room, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Castle Street, Carlisle. CA3 8TP.
(20/10/2013): ... The second day of the Big Draw! event at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust went brilliant today! Lots of brilliant feedback about the project too! Here are some pics, including some of the final installation, which will be open to the public for one week to view:
(19/10/2013): ...Wow - what a great turnout for the Big Draw! workshop today! Let's keep it up for tomorrow too! The installation is shaping up nicely so far! Here are some pics from the day:
(18/10/2013): Don't forget...The Museum of Curiosities also has its very own Virtual Collection of Curiosities for members of the public to submit a photograph of any object, which they find to be “weird”, “wonderful” or “just plain curious”. Check out: This is one unique collection you definitely will not have seen before - and more importantly, you can see it anytime and anywhere! :-)
(06/10/2013): Dates for your diary...
Big Draw! 2013 workshops: "The Museum of Curiosities with Artist Pui Lee"
DATES: Sat. 19th & Sun. 20th October 2013.
TIMES: 1pm-4pm.
VENUE: In the Community Room, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Castle Street, Carlisle. CA3 8TP.
Free entry. All ages and abilities welcome. No previous experience necessary. All materials provided.
(05/10/2013): "The Museum of Curiosities!" Update: - ...Join in the conversation: “The Curator’s Choice: Highlights from the Virtual Collections” is now viewable at where people can comment, LIKE and share their thoughts about the objects they see. The idea behind this is to stimulate some kind of dialogue about unique and interesting objects that hold some personal meaning to at least someone out there!
(04/10/2013): Big Draw! 2013: “The Museum of Curiosities!” with Artist Pui Lee"
To Get Involved!: Take a photograph of an object that fits into the category of “weird”, “wonderful” or “just plain curious”. You could even get creative with Photoshop and create an imagined object. The possibilities are endless! Let’s fill up this collection with as many interesting objects as we can by the end of October 2013!
Email the jpeg to me at: under the subject of “Museum of Curiosities”. Then subject to approval, it will be uploaded into a “virtual collection of curiosities” on:
This will form part of the Big Draw! 2013 project I am working on for Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust this October called, "The Museum of Curiosities!"
(01/10/2013): ...It's The Big Draw! month and this year, I have been commissioned to run the Big Draw event at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle, which I am extremely excited about! My idea has been approved and the project will be called, "The Museum of Curiosities"... watch-this-space!
(20/09/2013): Oooh - how exciting! I have just received the news that I have been shortlisted for a very BIG project! Keep those fingers crossed for me! :-p [27-09-2013 News Update: ...Ah! Not to be, on this occasion but delighted to have got shortlisted to the final 2!]
(JULY 2013): Completed my big Artist Residency Project at Throckley Primary School, Newcastle! Working on a silk painting project based on ideas of inspiration and aspiration to transform a space in the school. This project incorporated a whole-school approach. Pics can be viewed on the Artist-in-Residence page of my website.
(23/06/2013): Here is feedback about my "Food for Thought" art workshop from the Hexham Spaces Project co-ordinator, Morag Illes:
"Hexham Spaces Project is established to showcase a range of local creativity and community-driven initiatives in the heart of Hexham, Northumberland, through short term use of available retail spaces in the town centre. The Project is actively working with a variety of groups and organisations in the town to present a range of pop-up community projects, visual art and local craft displays in currently vacant retail spaces.
Pui Lee worked with us facilitating an art workshop for sixth form students from Queen Elizabeth High School, Hexham. The workshop took place in DELIcious, a now redundant sandwich shop. This was Hexham Spaces premiere workshop and gallery venue.
Pui Lee is a thoughtful and engaging artist. At Hexham Spaces, we are concerned with creating work that invites and encourages the community to engage with space and its many uses but we pride ourselves on remaining site sensitive. Pui did an excellent job at connecting with the site and relating the workshop to its surrounding. Pui followed the brief and introduced students to new mediums of art and ways of thinking. Pui Lee was welcoming and tentative to the students, motivating them to express themselves in a range of ways.
Many thanks Pui from all at Hexham Spaces Project."
(14/06/2013): I designed and delivered a very special Art Workshop, "Food for Thought", in collaboration with Hexham Arts Forum and The Hexham Spaces Project. For this project, I worked with a group of pupils from Queen Elizabeth High School, Hexham. The session included: drawing, 3D, mixed media, installation and performance. After the workshop, the work was curated to form a public exhibition in the same Empty Shop venue: DELIcious. This will be on show for on-street viewing at all times during: 15th June 2013 - 13th July 2013. We had the preview during the evening after the workshop and it was lovely to meet the locals. Thanks also to Mary Oswell for loaning us the space as an Empty Shop. Venue address: DELIcious!, 31 Hencotes, Hexham, Northumberland. NE46 2EQ.
(17/05/2013): Come along and make your own Roman coins using clay at my family friendly drop-in workshop as part of Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust's "Museums at Night 2013" event: Legends and Lugavalium: Explore Roman Carlisle! You can then try your luck on the "Human Fruit Machine" to win all sorts of fabulous prizes! There will also be plenty of other things to do during the event! (6pm-8pm) See web link for more info:
Click here for more info and pics.
(16/05/2013): Museums at Night 2013 at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle.
Well, tonight's "Art Gallery Takeover" at Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery Trust, Carlisle, was certainly a lot of fun indeed! Great to see so many people there! It's not often you have drawing easels, colourful cocktails, Roman findings, Lego bricks, Minecraft, paper crafts and a couple of DJs all in the same space at the same time! There was certainly plenty of opportunity to get creative whether it was through drawing, crafting, building and/or producing digital creations!
..So I spent much of my evening tonight doing some "Fancy Dress Life Drawing"! It was great because visitors could actually be the model (with the option of trying on some novel fancy dress outfits and accessories (or come in whatever they wish)) and/or just sit/stand at an easel and draw to their heart's content!
So I learnt again how hard it is to draw when the model isn't static and/or does not pose for long but never mind, once I started a drawing, I just let my imagination finish it off for me…
(11/05/2013:) I designed and delivered a family-friendly drop-in workshop, "Time Travelling Recycled Robots!" at Prescot Museum, Knowsley, and probably the busiest one yet there! Lots of really fantastic robots produced by the families who took part! Well done indeed!
(02/03/2013): Freestyle Wire Sculptures with Artist Pui Lee! Drop-In Workshop for Prescot Museum, Knowsley. (Aimed at adults, children and families)
(08/02/2013) Had a great day working with pupils at Bowness-in-Solway Primary School, Carlisle, and we did lots of arts and crafts related to the upcoming Chinese New Year including dragon making and even Shadow Puppets!
...Looks like I'm in another newspaper article - this time, Saturday 9th February 2013 edition of the New and Star newspaper. Didn't realise I was in it but here's a link to the double page spread coming up! -Shame they spelt my name wrong! :-S Click HERE for press link.
(NOVEMBER 2012:) ... I'm absolutely thrilled to have been shortlisted and then selected for a schools workshop as part of the Hong Kong: In All States exhibition in this year's Liverpool Biennial 2012! Research visit took place Thursday 8th November 2012 and I got to visit the exhibition and make preparations for the day. The workshop will take place on Monday 19th November 2012 at FACT, Liverpool, and will also involve a visit to the Hong Kong: In All States exhibition at Copperas Hill, Liverpool. Will be working with Yr7 pupils from Holly Lodge Girls College, Merseyside. Really looking forward to it! :-)
(SEPT 2012): ...Exciting news indeed! I am studying towards my OCR Level 5 DTLLS Teaching Diploma at West Gate Community College, Newcastle! This will be on a part-time basis so that I will still be working as normal as a freelancer. I have now also gained a teaching placement (p/t) at Gateshead College as a 'trainee art lecturer' on their Foundation Diploma in Art & Design Course! (Sept 2012)
(NEWS:) Saturday 26th May 2012: Artist Pui Lee did a big art project as part of the Step Out charity event at Saltwell Park, Gateshead. 10am-2pm. She worked with the local families to create a big field of weird and wonderful flowers. Penguins were also spotted in the park as the artist showed locals how to make their very own penguin! Donations came from the event and from a collection box, which circulated UKTC North East Taekwon-do classes, which Pui is part of. Pui says, "The event was well turned out and I am pleased to say that a grand total of £142.55 was raised for The Stroke Association charity as a result."
Please contact artist Pui Lee to discuss your requirements at: 07970 785 030 / Have a look at Workshops and CV section of this website for more info about Pui's arts education work.